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View Issues on Your Webpage

DubBot provides issue highlighting and other metrics for webpages within your site.

Updated over 4 months ago

From the Dashboard Quick Wins panel or the Page List for a Site or Page Set, select a page name to see the Detail Page View - all of the issues reported for that page and other supplementary information.

View Issues by Category

To view page issues by category, select the corresponding tab running down the left of the page.

When utilizing a keyboard for navigation, tab to the first tab, Accessibility, and then use the up and down arrows to navigate between tabs.

Press the Enter key to open the corresponding information panel.

Press the Tab key to enter the corresponding information panel.

Page is in preview mode. User has clicked or used the Enter key to open the Accessibility metrics tab. The list of accessibility issues are presented in a vertical list to the right of the icon.

Issue Highlighting

As you cycle through the results for your page, you will see the Issue Highlighter Interface when you expand the issue category.

issue selector showing 1 of 2 items in the screen shot

This interface shows the number of errors found for a particular error type and allows you to cycle through them with the left and right arrows and then highlight the error by selecting the Focus within Preview Frame button, shown by a dot inside a dashed square.

As you scroll through the errors, you will notice the outline of the issue in focus is increased compared to those not in focus.

Refer to the Issue not found in current view article if you get that message when selecting a particular instance of an error and need help.

Example of how the highlighting of errors in the page is different as you scroll through the errors. The first red box around the error is simply red. The second red box is highlighting the current error selected by scrolling and it has additional red highlighting all around the perimeter of the box.

Accessibility panel

Issues in the Accessibility panel factor into the Accessibility Score for the site. Ignore check for this page turns off the Accessibility checking for the single page.

Issues are divided by level - WCAG 2.1 Levels A, AA, and AAA, dependent upon account settings and the issues that are found.

Select an Accessibility issue and it will expand to show additional details and highlighting of the issue on the webpage preview. The expanded issue details the Impact of the violation, the specific Violations of WCAG standard, Element Location, Element Source, Failure Summary, Actions options including Ignore Issue, and Task options.

A cross-section of a page level report where an error has been selected and expanded. The information provided is the name of the error, the impact level, a link to the error on the W3C webpage, the element location in the HTML code as well as the element source in the code and finally a section titled Failure Summary that give instructions on how to remediate this issue.

Element Location and Source will assist with locating the code that needs adjustment.

Refer to Issue not found in current view if you get that message when selecting a particular instance of an error.

The user role dictates whether the user will see the Ignore Issue option and whether the user will have the additional options to Ignore Issue for the page, site, or full account.

Refer to the Task Overview and Creation article for more information about Creating Tasks.

Best Practices panel

The Best Practices panel has similar options to the Accessibility panel. Please note that while Best Practices may be related to Accessibility, the Best Practices do not factor into the Accessibility score. Best Practices do not mean an accessibility issue is introduced using code. Best Practices indicate that a technique should be adopted to make your website more accessible.

Select a Best Practices issue to see additional details and highlighting of the issue on the webpage preview. The expanded issue details the Impact of the violation, Element Location, Failure Summary, Ignore Issue options and Task options.

A cross section of a page level report on the left side of the page. This details the information provided when a user clicks the Best Practices icon. The information included is Impact of the violation, Element Location, Failure Summary, Ignore Issue options, and Task options.

The Broken Links panel displays the links that were reported broken for a webpage. Each broken link will provide the error status reported for a link. Note that a 404 error is a truly broken link.

Other status codes could be an indication of something other than a real broken link. For instance, a 429 status indicates that a web server stopped allowing DubBot to access a URL check for the web domain because it throttles traffic from a single browser over a certain amount of time.

Depending on a user's role, a broken link can be ignored for a Page, Site, or Account.

If you notice an issue with a link or set of links that are not actually broken, the specific broken link or a regular expression for ignoring a set of links should be added to the Site Settings > Links panel by a user with appropriate permissions. More information on this can be found in the Exclude broken links reported by reason article.

Spell Check panel

The Spell Check panel displays spelling issues within a webpage. Selecting a reported word will highlight the word on the webpage.

Refer to Issue not found in current view if you get that message when selecting a particular instance of an error.

Depending on the user's role, the user will have the ability to Ignore on this Page, Add to account dictionary, or Add to site dictionary using the Actions dropdown.

Also, dependent on the user role, the user will have the option to Add and/or Comment on a Task related to the misspelling. Refer to Task Overview and Creation for more information about creating tasks.

Web Governance panel

The Web Governance panel displays Policy checks that have been configured as add-ons to the site and Flagged Words that are found in the Site or Page Set.

Policies Section

Custom Policies allow users to create additional flags for content within DubBot.

Policies will return a list of pages that either match or do not match a single rule or a set of custom rules. Errors are grouped by the policy that has flagged them.

Expanding the Policy shown allows you to highlight the occurrence within the webpage.

The easiest way to add a policy in DubBot is to add one of our pre-written policies from the Policy Library. The Policy Library allows for simple point-and-click implementation of more specific checks for your account. It is populated with our clients' most often requested policies. Learn more in our Policy Library Overview article.

For even more customization, users with administrator privileges can create Custom Policies. These custom policies may involve some level of technical expertise, depending on the complexity of the policy required. Learn more on how to Create a Custom Policy.

Flagged Words Section

The Flagged Words section displays all flagged words within a web page. Selecting a Flagged Word will highlight the word on the webpage.

Refer to Issue not found in current view if you get that message when selecting a particular instance of an error.

Actions for Web Governance Flags and Creating or Editing Tasks

Depending on the user's role, the user will have the ability to Ignore on this Page Only or See all Pages with this issue type.

Also, dependent on the user role, the user will have the option to Add and/or Comment on a Task related to the flag. Review the Task Overview and Creation article for more information about Creating Tasks.

SEO Checks panel

The SEO Checks panel provides users with basic information on whether the webpage meets general SEO best practices. Information provided includes Title presence, Title length check, Description presence, Description length check, and presence and count of headings used for H1 to H6.

Content Overview Section

Information provided includes Page Title and length, Page Description and length, and Page Headers found, H1-H6.

Issues Section

It gives the users a list of the items found that should be corrected to meet current best practices.

Each issue contains the ability to create/comment on the task and ignore the issue on that page.

Readability panel

The Readability panel provides statistics related to content readability within a webpage. Information provided includes Word Count, Sentence Count, Letter Count, Syllable Count, Average Words per Sentence, Average Syllables per Word, and multiple readability grades. Information about the readability grade scales is also provided via the question mark icon beside the name of each score.

Readability panel highlighting the question mark icon.

Page Information panel

The Page Information panel displays

  • Informational Searches (Unscored) shows the positive result of any policies that have been run against the site using the category Informational Search. These policy results are not reflected in scoring at all.

  • First Found on Page shows how the currently viewed page was pulled into the site inventory.

  • Crawl Information gives the viewport size used in the current crawl, if it has been changed from the default value of 1440 x 900. Read about your Page Preview/Analysis Options.

  • Headers for the page.

  • Remove from DubBot - this button gives you the option of removing this particular page from your site inventory.

Open Tasks panel

The Open Tasks panel will display all issues for a page where a task has been added. This panel provides a single location to see all communication for issues within a webpage.

Users can also create a page-level task by selecting the +New Task option at the top of the panel.

Page is in preview mode with the Open Tasks icon highlighted and the list of Open Tasks related to the page are shown. y parallel to the list of icons.

Share panel

The Share panel provides a method for providing access to the current page for someone who may need to see it, but has no DubBot access.

Using the Copy Link button you can share the page by sending the person the copied link.

The Reset Link button will change the link URL to view the page. Be aware that resetting the link will disable any URLs you may have sent earlier.

You can also share by entering the person's email in the Share Email field and selecting the Share button.

If you have questions, please reach out to our DubBot Support team via email at or via the blue chat bubble in the lower right corner of your screen. We are here to help!

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