In this Article
DubBot's Policy Library allows for simple point-and-click implementation of more specific checks for your account. It is populated with our clients' most often requested policies.
It also allows you to see how the policies are structured to assist you with your own custom policies in the future. It will be updated regularly, so check back for new policies that might be helpful to your organization.
Where to find the Library
To find the Policy Library, select Settings from the top menu, and from the left-hand navigation under Account Checks Settings, select Policies.
Select the Add New Policy button and then Import from Policy Library in the dropdown menu.
Policy Library Options
If you already have the policy set added, you will see a button to Remove Set. If it is a policy set that you haven't already added, you'll see a button to Import Set. Some policy sets have been tagged to make them easier to find as the Policy Library grows. A few of the current tag options are SEO, Website Security, and DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion).
See a Policy Set's Details
If you want to look at the checks in a specific set of policies, select the dropdown arrow to view.
The List of policies will be displayed. Each policy also has a dropdown arrow to see the Rules that will be deployed if you Import Set.
At this time, you must import the full set of policies. Also, the policy set is automatically applied to all sites by default.
Importing under a Specific Category
Policy sets are imported by default into the Web Governance category. If you would like to add a policy set to a different category for your reporting purposes, select the category using the down arrow at the right of the Import Set button.
Web Governance category choices include Accessibility, Best Practice, Spelling, Flagged Words, SEO, Links, and Informational Search (Unscored).
Note: Once you release your mouse (or other selection tool) over the desired category, the policy set will be imported.
Ignoring Policies
If there are certain policies you don't need, simply return to the Manage Policies panel, check the box beside the ones you don't need, and select the Ignore button.
To reactive a policy that has been ignored, go to the Disabled/Ignored Policies tab, check the box beside the policy you wish to re-enable, and select the Unignore button.
As always, for each policy you can disable it for sites you don't want the policy to actively monitor.
Policy Sets
Pre-written policies are divided into collections of related policies called Policy Sets to add to your account.
Learn about available sets in the Policy Library Sets article.
If you have questions, please contact our DubBot Support team via email at or via the blue chat bubble in the lower right corner of your screen. We are here to help!