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Did my Policy run?

Not seeing policy results? Check these items....

Updated over a week ago

After creating a new Policy and before trying to view the results, make sure to verify several things:

Has the site been crawled since the new Policy was created?

  • select Settings in the top, right menu

  • locate the row containing the Site using the new Policy

  • check the Enabled column to ensure it says Yes

  • check the date in the Last Crawl column and make sure it is AFTER you created the new Policy

  • if the date is BEFORE you created the new Policy, click the Crawl button located at the end of the row

Screenshot indicting location of the Settings button in the Secondary Navigation and column headers "Enabled," "Last Crawl," and the "Crawl" button.

Has the site been analyzed since the new Policy was created?

Check the last analyzed date:

  • navigate to a page that uses the new Policy

  • hover over the Analyze button in the upper right corner

  • the Last finished date will show you the last analyzed date

Screenshot indicating the location of the "Analyze" button and the date information that pops up when you hover over the button.

Has the Policy category changed since it was created?

Check the Policy category:

  • select Settings in the top right menu

  • from the left-side menu, under Account Check Settings select Policies

  • select the name of the new Policy

  • select the Advance tab to locate the Category field

The Account Check Settings - Policies page with a red box highlighting the Advanced link and a red box highlighting the Category dropdown box.

If you have questions, please contact our DubBot Support team via email at or via the blue chat bubble in the lower right corner of your screen. We are here to help!

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