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ARIA Attributes must Conform to Valid Values
ARIA Attributes must Conform to Valid Values
Updated this week

What it Means and why it Matters

When ARIA is used in the code for your webpages, the attributes used must only use the allowed values.

For example, the attribute aria-hidden can only have one of three values: true, false, or undefined.

Failure to use allowed values will make content inaccessible to assistive technology users.

Diagnosing the Problem from a Page View

Follow these steps to begin your diagnosis:

  1. From the Detail Page View in DubBot, expand the details for the issue you are investigating.

  2. In the Failure Summary area, find the ARIA role that has been flagged as having an invalid value.

  3. Review the Element Source content to get a better idea of where the issue is found on your webpage.

  4. Visit the W3C WAI-ARIA 1.2 Definitions of States and Properties to look up the attribute noted in your Failure Summary area.

Detail Page View in DubBot with a red circle around the carat symbol that users click to expand the details of the issue. At the bottom of the Detail Page View is the Failure Summary area.

Quick Checks & Common Issues

  • Is the value spelled correctly? For example, aria-hidden="false" will fail the check.

  • When using an attribute that references the ID of another element on the page, ensure the ID exists and is spelled correctly.

  • Did you have role="image" flagged? That should be role="img".

  • Don't use aria-label or aria-labelledby on a span or div unless it is given a role.

  • Third-party embeds (ex. SoundCloud, Slick slideshow)

If you have questions, please contact our DubBot Support team via email at or via the blue chat bubble in the lower right corner of your screen. We are here to help!

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