14 articles
ARIA Landmarks - the Basics
Learn about ARIA Hidden and Focusable ElementsFoundational information on focus and aria-hidden.
Elements must only use Supported ARIA Attributes
YouTube Embeds Causing Flag for "Elements must only use permitted ARIA attributes."An explanation of the flag on embedded YouTube videos; "Elements must only use permitted ARIA attributes".
ARIA Roles and Parent-Child RelationshipsCertain ARIA roles have special requirements.
Fixing ARIA Parent-Child Issues
Using role="presentation" to Resolve ARIA Parent-Child IssuesHiding HTML Semantics with role=presentation
Parent-Child Required Roles Quick Reference
ARIA Attributes must Conform to Valid ValuesARIA attributes can only be assigned allowed values.
Fixing Required ARIA Attributes Issues
Required ARIA Attributes Quick Reference
Fixing ARIA Roles with Invalid ValuesARIA roles used must conform to valid values
Valid ARIA Attributes Quick ReferenceAll valid ARIA attributes starting with 'aria-' with links for more information.
Valid ARIA Roles Quick ReferenceListing of ARIA roles with links to more in-depth information