Basic listing of ARIA roles defined in the ARIA specs. Each role is linked to its corresponding section in the WAI-ARIA specification to enable you to dig deeper.
Reminder: When adding an ARIA role to an HTML tag, only use the word 'role
' not 'aria-role
Example: <div role="button">
ARIA roles are divided into 6 categories, 5 of which are relevant to our users:
Landmark Roles
Landmark roles identify specific sections and their purpose within an HTML document.
Structure Roles - not usually interactive
application, article, blockquote, caption, cell, columnheader, definition, deletion, directory, document, emphasis, feed, figure, generic, group, heading, img, insertion, list, listitem, math, meter, none, note, paragraph, presentation, row, rowgroup, rowheader, separator (when not focusable), strong, subscript, superscript, table, term, time, toolbar, tooltip
Widget Roles
button, gridcell, link, menuitem, menuitemcheckbox, menuitemradio, scrollbar, searchbox, separator (when focusable), slider, spinbutton, switch, tab, tabpanel, treeitem
Common Form Elements: checkbox, option, progressbar, radio, textbox
Live Region Roles
Window Roles
Related Articles
Landmark Regions from W3C
Accessibility Landmarks from W3 Schools
Learn More with WCAG
Understanding Info and Relationships (Level A)
Understanding Bypass Blocks (Level A)
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