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Getting started with Page Sets

What is a Page Set and how it is used.

Updated over a week ago

Page Sets allow users to filter existing Sites to various URL specifications or combine sites.

What is a Page Set used for?

Some examples of why you may want to use Page Sets:

  • You want to give a user access to only a part of a larger site you have already configured.

  • You want to gather pages from across other sites you have configured. For example, all pages that contain the word, 'accessibility'.

  • You want to combine the crawl information from several configured sites for reporting.

How to filter using Rules

Users can filter a Site(s) to pages that contain an exact value in the URL. An example would be using the value /blog/ : it would return all pages at, but no pages at

Users can filter a Site or Sites that contain a defined value in the URL. The example in the next image would include all URLs that include 'accessibility', such as /categories/accessibility/or myorg/accessibilitystandards/.

Screen capture of general settings tab in creating a page set. the page set is being given the name URLs with Accessibility and Use Custom Rules is selected for Page Matching Behavior. The rules are set to MATCH ALL of the following rules: path contains the value accessibility.

Users can also choose to filter by URLs that start with a defined value. The example in the next image would include all URLs that start with the value '/dubblog/', immediately following the root URL. This would match but would exclude

Screen capture of the general settings tab under creating a page set. The page set is being given the name Blogs. Use custom rules is selected for Page Matching Behavior. the rules are set to MATCH ALL of the following rules: Path starts with the value /dubblog/

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