Configuring the Checks performed for the whole Account
Updated over a week ago

Users set as Account Admins can customize the configuration of Standard Checks for all Sites within their accounts.

On the Issues List, selecting Ignore for this account or Ignore for this site will add the issue to the Check Settings list for the corresponding issue type. Users can also set up crawl exclusions, ignore broken links, make dictionary additions, and add to the flagged words list via CSV upload.

Highlighting the Ignore for this Site menu that appears after selecting the Ignore or Resolve button in the DubBot app.

To view or customize the Standard Checks Settings configuration for an account, select Settings in the top navigation. The left navigation will contain Account Check Settings with links for configuring the Accessibility, Best Practices, Spelling, Flagged Words, Links, Policies and SEO tests across the sites of an account. Account Admin users can configure the dictionary setup, dictionary exclusions, ignored broken link settings, flagged word configuration, and policy options.

Settings highlighted in the  Secondary Navigation and Account Checks Settings options highlighted in the DubBot app

To review or configure the Standard Checks performed for Sites within the account, select the corresponding tab for update.

Update the Dictionary language

Select Spelling in the left navigation.

Choose a different language to update the Dictionary for the account.

(DubBot's default settings allow up to 2 languages to be selected)

Spelling link highlighted and Dictionary dropdown highlighted in the Manage Spelling Checks panel of the DubBot app.

Review and add items for Ignoring Manually or in Bulk

Ignored Items for the account will display under the corresponding tab. Users can manually add items for ignoring or bulk upload via CSV for Bad Links, Spell Check, and Flagged Words tabs.

Add items to ignore in DubBot adding manually using the plus button or in bulk using the Import CSV button

Refer to the article, CSV upload format for more information about formatting files for upload into DubBot.

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