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Deep linking with WordPress

Add a link to go directly from a page in DubBot to edit that page in WordPress

Updated over a week ago

DubBot offers deep linking to WordPress. The deep link will display in an added View in dropdown as you navigate your pages flagged with issues. Using the View in dropdown, when your named Connector is selected, will take you directly to edit your page in WordPress using a Connector the site administrator needs to configure.

Screen capture showing the Visit page integration button highlighted

Information you need before setting up your Connector

  • Find the URL that you would use to make edits to your content in WordPress.

    • Once you are in your WordPress account, if you navigate to a Page or Post for editing, you can find the URL to the editing environment by looking at the address in your browser window. It should look something like the following:

  • Find the location of the unique page identifier for your pages

    • Find a consistent tag in your webpages’ source code to determine the unique identifier for the location of the page in your WordPress account and provide that to the Connector setup in DubBot. You will use the Selector Type of ID.

    • In our above example 1234 is the unique identifier. 

    • For WordPress, a common method for providing the ID in the source code is using the shortlink tag:

      <link name="shortlink" href=""/> 
    • Other location examples:

      • <body class="page-template-default page page-id-51....

    • Sometimes the full URL needed for editing a page is located in a href attribute of a link in a source of a page. In this case you will use the Selector Type of URL.

    • If either one of these do not currently exist in your source code, it may be something you will need to have your Website administrators add to your WordPress templates.

Step 1: Creating your Connector

  • Select the Settings button to access your Account Settings Panel

  • Select Connectors in the Left Navigation

  • Select the Create new connector Button

First, select the Settings button in the Secondary Nav. Then, select Connectors in the Left Nav. Thirdly, select the the Create new connector button.
  • Enter the name of your choice for the Connector in the Name field.

  • In the Type dropdown, select Generic Selector.

Create new connector panel showing the Name and Type fields.

Step 2: Add the specifics for your Connector

  • Select ID in the Selector Type dropdown, if it applies in your situation.

    • Enter the CSS Selector for the element holding the needed page ID.
      Sample for a site using link [name='shortlink'] shown below.

    • Enter the Attribute with URL value - Designate the attribute from within the chosen HTML element that holds the unique identifier, in this sample case : href .

    • Check the Use a Regex to parse attribute check box if needed, then enter the Attribute value regex to get the ID from the specified attribute, ex.


    • CMS Edit URL Use regex to build the Deep link connection.

      ex. https://{HOST}/wp-admin/post.php?post={PAGEID}&action=edit
      {HOST} is a variable in DubBot that will map to the root URL of your site.

    • Select the Create button to save your Connector

The fields shown when the Selector Type of ID is chosen for your connector.


  • Select URL in the Selector Type dropdown, if it applies to your situation.

    • Enter the CSS Selector for the element with the needed code
      Sample shown below .. li[class='actnbr-login']>a

    • Enter the Attribute with URL value - that is the attribute that holds the URL.

    • Select the Create button to save your Connector

The fields shown when the Selector Type of URL is chosen for your connector.

As with any setup, the DubBot support team is available to help you through these steps. Just simply chat us and we will get someone to guide you through the process.

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